Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Original Exorsist

I have not had the great opprotunity to preview the original Exorsist and man I wish I hadn't either. This film has given me nightmares for a week. I keep on seeing visions of the Devil that came up in as split second images throughout this film. I was a little hesitant about watching this film because I had seen versions of this film that were making fun of parts in it like that in Scary Movie. I thought that this movie would not be able to horrify me because of the impression I already had on it. Boy was I wrong!! As I watched this film it really hit home to my beliefs about God and the Devil. Myself being a Christian that believes in the Bible can really believe the happings and the power of which the Devil can have on our lives. I began to watch this movie when it became dark last week with my wife. But as the movie started to become more intense my wife went upstairs to put my son to bed, so I was left by myself to experience the rest of the film. I found myself cringing, sweating, and my heartbeat quicken as I watched the happingings of the possessed girl and through the exorsism. I couldn't look away even though in the back of my mind I wanted to stop the film and get my wife to view the rest of it with me. I made it through it though, barely. Since the viewing of this film, I have woken up twice in a sweat. I can't get the vision of the Devil out of my head. I don't know if it is because of my beliefs in the Devil's ability or if it is because of the movie's ability to horrify me. What ever it is I wish that this movie would just leave me alone and let me go back to sleep. Time will only tell